Jeannie Rapstad, MA
Your SpeechJeannie

“Write, Rehearse, Speak, Succeed”
SpeechJeannie is designed to help you rehearse your speech by incorporating cue marker symbols into your speech to annotate your speech delivery choices. There are 49 cue marker symbols that help remind you where you want to add vocal variety, underlying emotion and attitude, as well as pauses, hand and facial gestures, and body movement to help bring your words to life. Just type or paste in your speech to the editing bay, and begin to practice your script adding the cue markers to annotate your speech delivery choices. Each time you rehearse your speech, enter the date and time into your Rehearsal Log. That way you can keep track of how many times you have rehearsed your speech before you present it to an audience. When you are ready, tape your rehearsal on Zoom so you can review how your speech went. Make changes in your delivery choices if necessary. Remember, two important elements of a successful speech presentation are content and delivery. Let’s get started!
Step 1
Create an account here. It is easy to do.
The sign-up process is simple; all you’ll need is an email. After creating your account, please proceed to the “Pay Now” page. Please be sure to input the same email that you used to create your account. The SpeechJeannie subscription is $10.00 per month for unlimited use of your account, together with access to all posted educational materials. Once your account has been established, you’ll be able to write and create speeches and save them on our cloud. It’s that simple!
Step 2
Write your first Speech
Start off writing your speech as usual, organizing your content with an opening, main points, and conclusion. Think about how you will deliver this presentation. This planning process will help you in the next section but we found it is better to write your speech first and then add your cue markers as you rehearse your speech. Once the first draft of your script is complete, you can go back to it and edit it at any time! View your speeches under “My Speeches”.
Step 3
Add your cue marker symbols.
Add the appropriate cue marker symbols to your script as reminders of your verbal and nonverbal delivery choices. They are categorized by Vocal Variety, Interpretation – Delivery Attitude, Interpretation – Underlying Emotion, Non-Verbal Physical Movement, and Miscellaneous. You can find the cue marker symbols in the top section of the speech editing page. You can insert them where your cursor is and also move them around by just clicking on them and dragging. It’s that simple!
Here are some examples:
: Eye Contact, remember to maintain eye contact with your audience
: Confidence
: Sarcastic Tone
: Laugh out loud
Step 4
Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!
We have added a timer tool! Above the Speech you’ll see a timer tool. Make sure you use this. Many students get nervous during a speech and start rushing. Practicing your pace is a great way to prevent this from happening. Enter the date and time of each rehearsal in your rehearsal log so that you will always know how many times you have rehearsed your speech, and whether you have met the time parameters of your assigned speech.